Progressive Breakfast: Even Death Favors The Rich


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Tom Conway

Even The Grim Reaper Favors the Rich

Income inequality is a pox on America. The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. CEO pay keeps rising while workers’ paychecks have been all but flat for decades. As a result, income inequality now rivals that of the robber baron days of the early 1900s, when labor unions were virtually outlawed while corporate monopolies thrived. It gets worse. It turns out that low income is an actual pox, killing people before their time. The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office had found that poor people live shorter lives than rich people. Sen. Joni Ernst, a Republican from Iowa, recently suggested Congress meet behind closed doors to discuss “changes” in Social Security. She said she feared public backlash from having the conversation in public. More specifically, she said she didn’t want to look like she was pushing “granny over a cliff.” Sen. Ernst needs to wake up. The Republicans’ pro-wealth, anti-labor and anti-social welfare campaigns are already pushing people over a cliff before they live long enough to become grannies.

Whistleblower Sets Off Impeachment Furor

The Trump-Ukraine affair: what you Need to know and what’s coming next. NPR: “A tumultuous week in Washington has set the stage for an intense new congressional investigation into President Trump — and what could prove to be a historic clash between the White House and Congress. The outlines are now clear about conduct that no one, including Trump, disputes: The president asked his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate the family of Vice President Joe Biden, a potential political rival in the 2020 presidential election. If Trump was sanguine about confirming that story — which the White House did with the extraordinary release on Wednesday of its own records about the conversation — House Democrats want the answers to more questions before they decide how much further to travel down a road they’ve said could lead to impeachment.”

U.S. Slams Door On Refugees

The US will admit just 18,000 refugees in the next year. Vox: “The United States will accept fewer refugees over the coming year than ever: 18,000 at most, down from a cap of 110,000 just two years ago. And a new executive order from President Donald Trump will allow state and local authorities to block refugees from settling in their areas. The administration announced Thursday that it will lower the annual cap on refugees to 18,000, from 30,000 this year, in the coming fiscal year, which starts October 1. And local governments that do not have the resources to support refugees in becoming ‘self-sufficient and free from long-term dependence on public assistance’ will be able to turn them away. Taken together, the reduction in refugee admissions and the new restrictions on where they may resettle represent another blow to the US’s ability to aid the world’s most vulnerable populations, even as the number of refugees worldwide has soared. The number of refugees worldwide approximately doubled between 2012 and 2018 to more than 20 million, according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. The administration said the decision was necessary so it could focus on processing asylum seekers at the southern border. But a drastic cut to refugee admissions has been rumored for months, an idea reportedly embraced by Trump adviser Stephen Miller and other hard-line immigration restrictionists.”

EPA Blames Homeless For CA Water Quality

EPA tells California it is ‘failing to meet its obligations’ to protect the environment. WaPo: “The Trump administration accused the state of California Thursday of ‘failing to meet its obligations’ to protect the environment, claiming that a growing homeless population threatens the state’s water quality. Days after President Trump mocked Los Angeles and other big cities for their “tremendous pollution,” EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler sent an oversight letter charging California officials with failing to meet federal health standards in numerous communities where large homeless populations litter the streets with trash, drug paraphernalia and human waste. The unusual move ratchets up the Trump administration’s ongoing assault on the nation’s most populous state, a multipronged campaign that California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has described as “weaponizing” the federal government. The outcome of that battle — which has involved the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security, as well as the EPA — could determine who gets to set policy on a range of issues, from immigration to transportation.”

Neoliberalism Paved Path To Right-Wing Populism

Neoliberalism paved the way for authoritarian right-wing populism. Truthout: “Talk of a looming recession is heating up as the global economy slows and President Trump’s tiff with China unsettles financial markets. As world trade contracts, stock markets drop, the manufacturing sector in the United States is in decline for the first time in a decade, and farmers and steel workers continue losing their income and jobs. Just as the 2008 global economic crisis revealed the failures of liberal democracy and the scourge of neoliberalism, a new economic recession in 2019 could also reveal how institutions meant to serve the public interest and offer support for a progressive politics now serve authoritarian ideologies and a ruling elite that views democracy as the enemy of market-based freedoms and white nationalism. What has not been learned from the 2008 crisis is that an economic crisis neither unites those most affected in favor of a progressive politics nor does it offer any political guarantees regarding the direction of social change. Instead, the emotions that fueled massive public anger toward elites and globalization gave rise to the celebration of populist demagogues and a right-wing tsunami of misdirected anger, hate and violence toward undocumented immigrants, refugees, Muslims and people of color.”

Democrats, Please Don’t Mess This Up

Impeach Trump for all his crimes, not just for Ukraine.. The Intercept: “Are Democrats preparing to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announcement on Tuesday that the House of Representatives would hold an ‘official impeachment inquiry’ over Trump’s phone call with the president of Ukraine, and his request for dirt on Joe Biden and his son Hunter, was a welcome one. But on Wednesday, according to several reports, ‘Pelosi and senior House Democrats agreed in a private meeting … that they should narrow their impeachment investigation of President Trump to his dealings with the president of Ukraine.’ To be clear: There is now a majority in the House for impeachment, especially with the publication of the whistleblower complaint on Thursday, which reveals how ‘the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.’ House Democrats — even in swing seats — have united on this issue and see Trump as a clear threat to national security. It looks like a slam dunk. So how then might this end up as a defeat, and not a victory? Think about it. For House Democrats to wait this long and then impeach a reckless, lawless, racist, tax-dodging president only over his interactions with the president of Ukraine would be to effectively give Trump a clean bill of health on everything else. The Democrats only get one chance at impeachment. One chance to remind the public there is a criminal sitting in the Oval Office. They can’t afford to rush it — or blow it.”

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Progressive Breakfast: How Rigged School Search Firms Rip Off Taxpayers


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People’s Action, a national network of grassroots groups, is at the front lines in our nation’s battle to put people over profits. Want to join us? We’re looking for a new Justice Is Global Deputy Director. and Climate Justice Campaign Director. We’ve accomplished a lot: come help us take our nation back for progressive values.
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Jeff Bryant

Private Search Firms Skim Millions From Public Schools

The education world was rocked in 2015 when Chicago Public Schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett was convicted and sentenced to prison for accepting kickbacks from SUPES, a private search firm. But anyone who thought this story was an anomaly would be mistaken. Similar conflicts of interest among private superintendent search firms, their associated consulting companies, and their handpicked school leaders have plagued multiple school districts across the country. These businesses are often able to place their handpicked candidates in school leadership positions who then help make the purchasing decision for the same businesses’ other products and services, which often include professional development, strategic planning, computer-based services, or data analytics. The deals are often brokered in secrecy or presented to local school boards in ways that make insider schemes appear legitimate. The results of these scandals are often disastrous. School policies and personnel are steered toward products that reward private companies rather than toward research-proven methods for supporting student learning and teacher performance. And while media accounts generally frame these scandals as examples of corrupt school leaders who got caught and brought to justice, reporters rarely delve into the corporate-operated enterprises that undergird the whole system.

More Dems Back Calls For Impeachment

More Dems back impeachment action amid reports Trump ordered Ukraine aid frozen. NBC: “One hundred and fifty House Democrats — well over half the 235-member caucus — now back some type of impeachment action in light of President Donald Trump’s burgeoning Ukraine scandal. Some on this list have called for an impeachment inquiry or hearings, some believe the House Judiciary Committee is already undertaking an inquiry and are supportive of that investigation, while others have gone further and called for drafting articles of impeachment. Lawmakers are using different terms when they talk about the issue. The fast-expanding list includes 13 lawmakers who have come out in favor of action since reports last week that the president pushed Ukraine to investigate the Biden family. In addition to the 151 House Democrats backing some type impeachment action, Rep. Justin Amash, a Michigan independent, also favors an impeachment investigation, bringing the total number to 152. In a Monday night Washington Post op-ed article, seven freshman House Democrats called for impeachment hearings in response to the Ukraine scandal, which three sources told NBC News may give House Speaker Nancy Pelosi the ‘cover’ she needs to back a formal impeachment proceeding against the president which she has not done to date. ‘This is major. It seems to me like it’s an inflection point,’ one source said.”

Trump Threatens City Funding

The ongoing clash between Trump and big cities. NPR: “President Trump’s depiction of urban life in America is often grim, and the tension between the president and big city mayors is often filled with name-calling and lawsuits. For many mayors who end up in the president’s crosshairs, it’s a balancing act as they try to determine how to ward off criticism, as well as Trump administration policies they think may be harmful, while not jeopardizing federal funds earmarked for city projects. For example, Trump raised plenty of hackles with his recent comments about the homeless in California hurting the prestige of Los Angeles and San Francisco. Darrell Steinberg, chairperson of California’s State Commission on Homelessness and Supportive Housing, calls the president’s statements hypocritical. ‘This is a president who is calling for the elimination of the Community Development Block Grant Program, which is a primary source of funding for affordable housing,’ says Steinberg, who is also the mayor of Sacramento. Last week, Steinberg signed a letter on behalf of California’s big cities along with California Gov. Gavin Newsom. It asked the president to increase housing vouchers by the thousands for the state’s low income residents. Steinberg says it’s time for any adversarial relationship between cities and the Trump administration to end. ‘When it comes to homelessness, there’s only one thing that matters and that is bringing as many people under a roof as possible and helping them reclaim their lives,’ Steinberg says.”

Sanders Promotes Extreme Wealth Tax

Sanders targets highest-income Americans with ‘extreme wealth tax’ and ‘national wealth registry’. Politico: “Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday proposed an “extreme wealth tax” on the highest-income Americans, along with a “national wealth registry” that he said would help prevent them from avoiding the tax. The tax rate would start at 1 percent on net worth of more than $32 million and rise with income above that, topping out at 8 percent on wealth over $10 billion. Sanders’ Democratic presidential campaign said the tax would raise $4.35 trillion over a decade and would be used to fund ‘Medicare for All’, along with his plans for affordable housing and universal childcare. Several of the other Democratic presidential candidates have proposed slapping additional taxes on the highest-income households. Sanders, an independent from Vermont, had already proposed a major hike in estate taxes and raising the top marginal tax rate on income above $10 million. Beyond funding programs they have proposed, the candidates say their plans would combat income inequality.”

Records Reveal Widespread GOP Racial Gerrymandering

GOP racial gerrymandering mastermind redistricted more states than previously revealed. The Intercept: “The reach of late Republican gerrymandering mastermind Thomas Hofeller may be longer than previously known, according to a review of thousands of documents and emails culled from his hard drives, obtained by The Intercept. While Hofeller was known for drawing maps to give Republicans an advantage and to limit the impact of voters of color in North Carolina, Texas, Missouri, and Virginia, the new documents reveal he also participated in the 2010 redistricting cycle in Alabama, Florida, and West Virginia. And, in those three states, it appears Hofeller and other Republican mapmakers experimented with using race as the primary factor in drawing districts in these states — a tactic ruled unconstitutional under the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause, which requires that people in similar circumstances be treated the same under the law. Among the trove of over 70,000 documents are draft maps with voter data broken down by race, spreadsheets that include the home addresses of members of Congress, travel plans, and legislation marked up by Hofeller himself. These new documents shed additional light on the coordinated national strategy behind maps that locked in a GOP advantage in Congress and in state legislatures nationwide. They reveal the sophisticated racial data that drove GOP mapmaking in several states, potentially opening new avenues for litigation challenging these plans as unconstitutional racial gerrymanders — including one Alabama case that will be heard in a U.S. district court in seven weeks — or as violations of state constitutional protections of free and fair elections. And they show that Hofeller intentionally failed to disclose his involvement in Florida redistricting in an affidavit filed with a court.”

Iowa People’s Forum Changes The Conversation

2020’s most in-depth, people-powered forum just happened in Iowa. The Nation: “The crowd was multiracial, multiethnic, urban and rural, all ages, mostly from Iowa but also from other states where People’s Action is working with its growing network of progressive organizations on a 2020 agenda that the group’s national director, George Goehl, sums up as ‘defeating white nationalism and advancing a big, bold agenda.’ They had all come to Des Moines for what would turn out to be the most grassroots-focused, poignant, and revealing forum so far in the campaign season. But how do the people who are tired of not getting their phone calls returned achieve the ‘radical, total liberation’ proposed by Bryce Fields, an organizer with Illinois’s One People’s Campaign as he roused an overwhelmingly working-class crowd? The answer was in the room, where so many of the people were members of Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement and Iowa Student Action. Because the vast majority of the 2,500 people who attended Saturday’s forum will participate in next February’s Iowa caucuses, Iowa CCI President Barb Kalbach was right when she told the crowd, ‘We are a mighty force.’”

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Progressive Breakfast: Candidates Fresh, Not Fried, At Iowa People’s Forum


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Tim Wilkins

Presidential Candidates Fresh, Not Fried, In Iowa

“We are a force that our land and our people desperately need.” With these words, Barb Kalbach – registered nurse, fourth-generation family farmer and board chair of Iowa CCI Action – opened the Iowa People’s Presidential Forum in Des Moines this Saturday. She was joined by 2,500 grassroots Iowa activists – CCI is the state’s largest progressive group, with members in all 99 counties – and People’s Action members who traveled from across the Midwest to join them at the event. Senators Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, former HUD Secretary Julián Castro and Mayor Pete Buttegieg all accepted People’s Action’s invitation to participate in the People’s Forum, the first of four public events this national network of grassroots groups will hold in early caucus states over the next six weeks. Next up is New Hampshire, where candidates will speak on the University of New Hampshire campus in Durham on October 13, hosted by Rights And Democracy and the New Hampshire Youth Movement. Candidates at the People’s Forum knew they were entering a “no-stump zone.” Their answers had to be fresh – not fried. Because real people – thousand in the room and tens of thousands more watching the livestream at home – were listening very closely.

The New Hampshire People’s Presidential Forum is on October 13th. Click here for more information about how to participate.

Thunberg Addresses U.N. On Climate

Greta Thunberg to U.N. climate summit: ‘you have stolen my dreams’. Reuters: “Swedish teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg told world leaders at the opening of a United Nations conference on Monday that they had stolen her childhood with ’empty words.’ ‘You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,’ Thunberg said at a U.N. climate change summit, admonishing adults for not doing enough to protect the environment.

Trump Turns Back On Climate Summit

Turning back on climate summit, Trump hosts ‘religious freedom’ session at UN. Common Dreams: “President Donald Trump on Monday affirmed his stance as a climate villain by leading a United Nations session on ‘religious freedom’ instead of a major event focused on the global climate crisis in the same building. Trump’s session overlaps with the day-long U.N. Climate Action Summit. Trump’s special session began at 11:30 am, shortly after Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg gave a powerful speech at the summit demanding world leaders take swift action to tackle the climate crisis. The president did, however, pop in to the climate event. “President Donald Trump was not scheduled to attend,” ABC News reported, ‘but showed up unexpectedly Monday morning.’”

Impeachment Furor Builds

Moderate Democrats weigh impeachment as Trump-Ukraine furor builds. Politico: “A growing number of freshman Democrats in swing districts are rethinking their stance against impeachment after President Donald Trump’s alleged attempt to pressure Ukrainian officials for his own political gain — a shift that could put real pressure on Speaker Nancy Pelosi to act after months of resistance. Democratic leaders now view a House Intelligence Committee hearing on Thursday featuring Trump’s top intelligence official as crucial to determining consensus within the caucus, after leadership spent months successfully tamping down the push to oust the president, according to aides and lawmakers. ‘There is overwhelming sentiment in our caucus and in our party that the situation with the president has grown intolerable,’ said Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a member of the House Judiciary Committee and vocal pro-impeachment advocate. ‘That cuts across all political and geographic lines in the party right now. There’s just unity about it,’ Raskin said. Joseph McGuire, the acting director of national intelligence, will appear before the panel after blocking Congress’ effort to learn more details of a whistleblower complaint that Trump allegedly urged the newly elected Ukrainian president to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden’s son.”

Climate Protesters Halt D.C. Traffic

Climate protesters snarl traffic in Washington. NYT: “Climate activists had pledged to bring the nation’s capital to a standstill Monday morning. That did not quite happen, but the blockades of major intersections, street dances and a smattering of arrests continued the effort by protesters to raise the profile of climate change as a political issue. Monday’s protests followed Friday’s demonstrations by millions of young people around the world, who sought in marches and rallies to pressure policymakers to take action on climate change. The “Strike D.C.” protest is timed to coincide with the appearance at the United Nations of 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg and other young people, who will urge world leaders to enact aggressive policies to curb the planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions. Such emissions, scientists say, are already raising sea levels, strengthening storms and increasing droughts and food shortages. The coalition of 14 environmental and social justice activist groups that took to the streets of Washington want to go further than the students who marched last week, some of whom will speak on Monday at the United Nations. The activists, who are demonstrating without permits, are disrupting rush-hour traffic near the White House, the Capitol, the National Mall and other choke points with the intention of creating gridlock and mayhem. Many said they expected to be arrested.”

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Progressive Breakfast: College For All Means Dignity For All


Watch The Iowa People’s Presidential Forum!

We’re 24 hours out from the Iowa People’s Presidential Forum this Saturday, Sept. 21 from 12-5 p.m. CST. Leading presidential candidates will be in Des Moines, answering real questions from real people – members of People’s Action. Get your ticket or sign up to watch our livestream or host a house party, all for free. This is a no-stump zone: we’re flipping the script and challenging candidates to find out who the real people’s champion in 2020 will be.

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Chris Simmons

College For All Means Dignity For All

My name is Chris Simmons, and I want to tell you why we need – I need – Free College For All now. I grew up in Newton, Iowa, a small city east of Des Moines. For a hundred years, Newton was the “washing machine capital of the world.” It was home to the Maytag Corporation and is where the modern washing machine was invented. In between Maytag’s world headquarters and washing machine plant, the company employed most of Newton’s adults. That was until Maytag sold out to Whirlpool in 2006, and their executives decided to move all production to Mexico. Pretty much everyone in Newton lost their jobs overnight. The bottom line is, shit happens, and that shouldn’t rob kids like me of a chance for our future. For some of us – and for our country, under President Trump – really bad shit happens. In small-town America, we’ve watched our jobs, our hopes, and our path to the middle class vanish. That’s some pretty bad shit. My generation got hit by a triple whammy: our parents were bankrupted by the Great Recession, we can’t even get entry-level jobs without a college degree, and earning that degree will put us in debt for the rest of our lives. That’s why, as a member of Iowa Student Action, part of the People’s Action national network of grassroots groups, we’re holding presidential hopefuls accountable for our generation’s future. Because if we don’t win education, clean energy, and a sustainable economy, we won’t have a future. Neither will you.

Chris Simmons is a graduate of Des Moines Area Community College and a member of Iowa Student Action. He will ask leading presidential candidates how they plan to address our nation’s education crisis at the Iowa People’s Presidential Forum tomorrow, September 21 in Des Moines from noon to 5 p.m. CST. Click here to watch our free livestream.

Global Climate Strike Today

23 reasons to climate strike today. The Nation: “A year ago, inspired by Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg, young people around the world began climate striking—walking out of school for a few hours on Fridays to demand action against the global warming that darkens their future. In May, when 1.4 million kids around the world walked out of school, they asked for adults to join them next time. That next time is September 20 (in a few countries September 27), and it is shaping up to be the biggest day of climate action in the planet’s history. Everyone from big trade unions to a thousand workers at the Amazon headquarters, and from college kids to senior citizens, are setting the day aside to rally in their cities and towns for faster action from our governments and industries. You can find out what’s happening in your community at But it will only be a success on the scale we need if lots of people who aren’t the regular suspects join in.”

U.S. Communities, Schools Strike For Climate Action

U.S. communities strike from school and work to demand transformative climate action. ” Hundreds of thousands of people in the United States are leaving school and work today to demand that leaders in the U.S. and across the world take action to address the climate crisis. The demonstrations today represent the largest climate strike in U.S. history and kick off a week of sustained international actions to call for transformative changes to climate policy. Hundreds of thousands of people are striking in over 4500 locations across the globe with large turn outs already in Sydney, Dhaka, Manila, and across Europe. New York, Boston, Washington D.C., and San Francisco are expected to have the largest turnouts, with thousands of people attending in each of those locations. But the Strike itself is nationwide, with more than 1,000 locations in all 50 states, Washington DC, Puerto Rico, and Guam. There were more than a dozen strike locations in Puerto Rico alone, commemorating the second anniversary of Hurricane Maria. The Climate Strike earned the support of elected leaders, businesses, and schools. Companies like Patagonia. Lush Cosmetics, and Ben and Jerry’s are closed today to encourage employees to join the strike. The UN Secretary General applauded the action, days before world leaders gather the UN Climate Action Summit to discuss climate action.”

Millions Attend Climate Strike In Europe, Asia

Millions attend global climate strike. BBC: “A global climate strike is under way, with millions of people protesting for ‘an end to the age of fossil fuels and climate justice for everyone.’ The event was sparked by teenage campaigner Greta Thunberg, who is attending the New York protest, where 1.1m children have been allowed to miss school to join the march. Here are pictures of marches across the world.”

Trump Cuts Emissions Standards, Accuses Homeless Of ‘Polluting’

Trump cuts emissions standards while accusing homeless people of “polluting”. Truthout: “The policy bowl of rancid jellybeans was overflowing again this past week, but one cluster of events stood out in stark relief. On Tuesday, Trump winged his way to a big-dollar fundraiser in the tech-heavy San Francisco Bay area. While in California, Trump made a point of denouncing the problem of homelessness, not because of the toll it takes on human beings, but because he sees homeless people as an eyesore for the landed gentry. ‘We have people living in our best highways, our best streets, our best entrances to buildings,’ he told journalists in between fundraising stops, ‘where people in those buildings pay tremendous taxes, where they went to those locations because of the prestige.’ On Wednesday, Trump announced the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would issue the city of San Francisco a violation because, he argued bizarrely, homeless people there are supposedly polluting the oceans by dropping needles into storm drains. Medical waste washing up on beaches in places like California and New Jersey is a definite concern, but a vast majority of the needles in the water arrived there by way of illegal dumping. Homeless people polluting the ocean is, pardon the pun, a drop in the bucket of this particular problem.”

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Progressive Breakfast: Ask Candidates To Support Universal Family Care


Watch The Iowa People’s Presidential Forum!

We’re two days out from the Iowa People’s Presidential Forum this Saturday, Sept. 21 from 12-5 p.m. CST. Leading presidential candidates will be in Des Moines, answering real questions from real people – members of People’s Action. Get your ticket or sign up to watch our livestream or host a house party, all for free. This is a no-stump zone: we’re flipping the script and challenging candidates to find out who the real people’s champion in 2020 will be.

Sign up for the Iowa People’s Presidential Forum NOW!

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Ai-jen Poo

Ask 2020 Candidates To Support Universal Family Care

This Saturday at the People’s Presidential Forum, hosted by Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement Action Fund and People’s Action, I’ll be joining Lou Ann Burkle — a Des Moines wife who helps care for her husband living with dementia — in asking 2020 Democratic candidates how they will ensure that care for the people we love is accessible, high quality and affordable to all Americans. Iowa is a unique political bellwether every four years in determining who’s at the top of our ballots. But what the state shares in common with the rest of the country is being home to a growing number of families sinking under the weight of soaring costs of care. In Iowa, infant care now costs more than in-state tuition for four-year public colleges, and in-home care for seniors and people with disabilities averages over $57,000 per year. With smaller paychecks and longer work hours, the math simply doesn’t add up —and our families are paying the price. Over the next few months, presidential candidates will spend a lot of time in Iowa. Iowans can lead the way in calling on candidates to address how diverse and interconnected our care needs are and to prioritize a plan for a new care infrastructure that centers our families over fear. If you’re able to join us for the forum on Saturday, I’d love to see you there; if not, I invite you to ask candidates about their plans as they continue to spend time in this state.

Ai-jen Poo is an organizer, adviser to Care in Action, and will be speaking at the Iowa People’s Presidential Forum with People’s Action members and leading presidential candidates this Saturday, Sept. 21 from noon to 5 CST in Des Moines. Click here to watch our free livestream.

Pelosi Releases Drug Pricing Plan

Pelosi releases highly anticipated drug pricing plan. Politico: “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rolled out her much anticipated drug pricing plan today, calling for Medicare to negotiate prices on at least 25 medicines, with an option for commercial insurers to take advantage of the deals. The plan is less ambitious than an outline of the bill, H.R. 3, that was leaked last week. Earlier discussions envisioned mandating that 250 drugs be subject to negotiations each year. Instead, 250 would be the ceiling rather than the floor, likely disappointing progressives. The government would be directed to target drugs that account for the highest costs to Medicare and the entire U.S. health care system, taking into account both the price of medicines and the volume sold in the U.S. This means that negotiations would likely focus on drugs taken by large numbers of Americans, potentially excluding those for rare diseases that typically are very costly. To be eligible for negotiation, the drugs must also lack generic or biosimilar competition. Insulin must be included as one of the negotiated drugs. The maximum price negotiated for the drugs would be tied to the cost paid in other developed countries, where medicines often sell for less. Under the Pelosi plan, the upper limit must be no more than 1.2 times the average price in six countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom. But the goal would be to get to a lower price, according to an outline of the plan, and Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage plans could try and get the price even lower than the government rate.”

‘Promise’ To Foreign Leader Sparks Investigation

Trump’s communications with foreign leader are part of whistleblower complaint that spurred standoff between spy chief and Congress. WaPo: “The whistleblower complaint that has triggered a tense showdown between the U.S. intelligence community and Congress involves President Trump’s communications with a foreign leader, according to two former U.S. officials familiar with the matter. Trump’s interaction with the foreign leader included a “promise” that was regarded as so troubling that it prompted an official in the U.S. intelligence community to file a formal whistleblower complaint with the inspector general for the intelligence community, said the former officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly. It was not immediately clear which foreign leader Trump was speaking with or what he pledged to deliver, but his direct involvement in the matter has not been previously disclosed. It raises new questions about the president’s handling of sensitive information and may further strain his relationship with U.S. spy agencies. One former official said the communication was a phone call.”

Trump’s War On California

Trump threatens San Francisco with EPA violation because of city’s homeless. NBC: “President Donald Trump on Wednesday threatened to have the Environmental Protection Agency issue a “notice” to San Francisco over the city’s homeless issue, comments that were criticized by local officials. From Air Force One, Trump, who had been in California for a two-day fundraising trip, blamed the homeless population for environmental issues. “There’s tremendous pollution being put into the ocean,” he said, noting “there are needles, there are other things.’ ‘We’re going to be giving San Francisco — they’re in total violation — we’re going to be giving them the notice very soon,’ Trump said. ‘The EPA is going to be putting out a notice and you know they’re in serious violation and this is environmental, very environmental,” Trump said. “And they have to clean it up. We can’t have our cities going to hell.’ In January, San Francisco found that under the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development definition, around 8,000 people were experiencing homelessness.”

Thunberg Testifies To Congress

16-year old climate activist smacks down Rep. Graves (R-Oil). Crooks and Liars: “Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish climate activist, faced off with members of Congress on Wednesday. In a hearing before the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, Thunberg declined to submit a written opening statement. ‘I don’t want you to listen to me, I want you to listen to the scientists and I want you to unite behind the science,’ she said. Republican Rep. Garret Graves of Louisiana tried to make the point that the U.S. should not curb its carbon emissions until other countries agreed to do so. ‘Let me ask you a question,’ Graves said. ‘If you were sailing across the ocean and you were picking up trash along the way and for every one piece of trash you pick up, there’s a boat right next to you dumping out five pieces, how would that make you feel?’ ‘If you use that logic,’ Thunberg replied, ‘I am also dumping a lot of trash in the ocean. I would stop dumping my trash in the ocean and then tell the other boat to stop dumping their trash in the ocean as well.’ But it wasn’t clear if Graves understood Thunberg’s remarks.”

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Progressive Breakfast: Rural America Needs #MedicareForAll Now


Watch The Iowa People’s Presidential Forum!

We’re four days out from the Iowa People’s Presidential Forum on Saturday, Sept. 21 from 12-5 p.m. CST. Leading presidential candidates will be in Des Moines, answering real questions from real people – members of People’s Action. Get your ticket or sign up to watch our livestream or host a house party, all for free. This is a no-stump zone: we’re flipping the script and challenging candidates to find out who the real people’s champion in 2020 will be.

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Barb Kalbach

For Rural America, Medicare For All Is A Matter Of Life Or Death

Rural hospitals are often the economic heart of a community. Since 2010, 113 rural hospitals have closed their doors, leaving more than 30 million Americans an hour or more away from critical care. As many as 700 more are in danger of closing. There are many reasons rural hospitals are hurting, but for-profit insurance companies are the nail in the coffin. Over decades, these multibillion-dollar companies have driven premium costs up and put profits over patients. More and more patients can’t afford insurance and can’t pay their hospital bills, leaving rural hospitals and hospitals in low-income areas left holding the bag. Insurance companies are now working hard to shift the blame and stop the movement for Medicare for All. They are gobbling up airtime in Iowa and across rural America to attack Medicare for All. They claim it would hurt the very same hospitals their business model has spent years bleeding dry. We can’t let big pharma and billion-dollar insurance companies pull a bait and switch. Rural America needs Medicare for All, not more big corporations lining their own pockets and paying PR firms to hide the truth.

Barb Kalbach is a fourth-generation family farmer who has worked for more than 10 years as a cardiac rehab nurse in a rural hospital in central Iowa. She’s the president of the board of the Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement Action Fund, and is one of the hosts of the Iowa People’s Presidential Forum in Des Moines this Saturday, September 21 from noon to 5 p.m. CST.

Warren Draws Surging Crowd In NYC

Warren campaign estimates 20,000 people attend New York City rally. The Hill: “Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-Mass.) campaign estimated that 20,000 people attended a rally for her 2020 bid Monday night in New York City’s Washington Square Park. The Warren campaign told The Hill more than 20,000 people came out, but the campaign stopped counting attendees once the top tier presidential hopeful started her speech. It is Warren’s biggest rally so far, according to the campaign. Warren, currently polling as one of the top three 2020 Democratic candidates, has been attracting large crowds to rallies across the country. Last month the campaign estimated a 15,000 person crowd at an event in Seattle and 12,000 at her first campaign stop in Minnesota. Warren’s speech in New York focussed on her plan to end corruption in Washington and was given the same day the candidate unveiled her proposal to tackle the issue in all branches of government. Warren picked the site for her speech based on its proximity to the site of the former Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, the site of the 1911 fire that killed more than 100 workers, mainly women and girls. Workplace reform and fighting exploitation of workers has been a key issue in the senator’s campaign and career.”

Pentagon Brakes Border Wall Construction

Pentagon puts brakes on 3 border barrier projects because of cost. Politico: “The Defense Department is no longer moving forward with three border barrier projects in California and Arizona, according to a court filing Monday The move is a reversal of an earlier Pentagon authorization for about 20 miles of fencing, lighting and other border infrastructure that would have used $2.5 billion in funds redirected from a counter-drug fund. That authorization, announced Aug. 27, was based on what was then determined to be “lower-than-expected contract costs.” But the Defense Department revealed in the Monday filing that the department would not be able to cover the costs of the project. The Defense Department initially authorized the funding after the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers determined that it would likely be able to afford the projects using the counter-drug funds, but the Army Corps said it would not know the full financial situation until later in the fiscal year. The Army Corps ultimately advised the department that the funds would not cover the project, prompting its withdrawal on Sept. 13, according to a document attached to the court filing. The border projects are part of a larger effort by the Trump administration to use Pentagon funds to deliver on President Donald Trump’s keystone campaign promise of a border wall. Earlier this year, the president demanded Congress come up with billions of dollars for a wall on the border with Mexico. After Congress declined that request and the government went into its longest shutdown in U.S. history, Trump declared a national emergency to divert defense funds toward border barriers.”

U.S. Enacts New Asylum Bar

U.S. enacts sweeping new asylum bar following Supreme Court decision. Reuters: “The U.S. Supreme Court last week allowed a Trump administration rule to temporarily take effect that will radically reduce the number of migrants eligible to seek U.S. asylum. Judges and asylum officers are now being directed to implement it. Immigration is central to U.S. President Donald Trump’s agenda and the government has said the new rule will reduce fraudulent asylum claims, while immigrant advocates say it risks returning vulnerable migrants to danger and even death. The legal challenges against the rule are ongoing – in courts in California and Washington D.C. – but the long process to decide whether it is unlawful will likely continue past the 2020 elections, legal experts say. In the interim, tens of thousands of asylum claims are likely to be denied.”

NYC DA Subpoenas Trump Tax Returns

8 years of Trump tax returns are subpoenaed by Manhattan DA. NYT: “State prosecutors in Manhattan have subpoenaed President Trump’s accounting firm to demand eight years of his personal and corporate tax returns, according to several people with knowledge of the matter. The subpoena opens a new front in a wide-ranging effort to obtain copies of the president’s tax returns, which Mr. Trump initially said he would make public during the 2016 campaign but has since refused to disclose. The subpoena was issued by the Manhattan district attorney’s office late last month, soon after it opened a criminal investigation into the role that the president and his family business played in hush-money payments made in the run-up to the election. Both Mr. Trump and his company reimbursed Michael D. Cohen, the president’s former lawyer and fixer, for money Mr. Cohen paid to buy the silence of Stormy Daniels, a pornographic film actress who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump. The president has denied the affair.”

Purged Voter Rolls Forced GOP Victory In NC House Vote

Jim Crow Steals Election in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District. Truthout: “Stolen again. Democrat Dan McCready supposedly lost the special election in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District to Republican Dan Bishop by less than 4,000 votes. However, racially biased vote suppression schemes easily account for the supposed GOP victory margin. Under the violently partisan Elections Board chief Kim Strach (pronounced ‘Strake’) — her husband was the attorney for the state’s Republican Party — North Carolina targeted half a million voters (561,693) based on the measurably racist and absurdly wrong Crosscheck list created by the discredited Kris Kobach of Kansas. The vote scam, which I exposed for Rolling Stone and Al Jazeera, showed that well over 100,000 voters were wrongly purged for supposedly being registered or voting in two states. I met one of those dastardly double voters, Kevin Antonio Hayes in Durham, North Carolina. Kevin Antonio was supposedly the same voter as Kevin Thomas Hayes of Virginia. Mr. Hayes is, like most on the Crosscheck list, a voter of color. In 2014, I watched Strach give blatantly false testimony to the North Carolina legislature to get approval for the Crosscheck mass purge. The chart presented by Strach claims that 155,692 voters in Carolina voted in a second state in the same election, a felony a crime. Yet, after a year of investigation, they could not find one such double voter. Nevertheless, tens of thousands of voters lost their right to vote for a crime for which none were found guilty let alone charged.”

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Progressive Breakfast: Iowa Forum Is People Power In Action


Watch The Iowa People’s Presidential Forum!

We’re eight days out from the Iowa People’s Presidential Forum on Saturday, Sept. 21 from 12-5 p.m. CST. Leading presidential candidates will be in Des Moines, answering real questions from real people – members of People’s Action. Get your ticket or sign up to watch our livestream or host a house party, all for free. This is a no-stump zone: we’re flipping the script and challenging candidates to find out who the real people’s champion in 2020 will be.

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The Iowa People’s Presidential Forum Is A No-Stump Zone

It’s time. After months of preparation, the Iowa People’s Presidential Forum will be this Saturday, September 21, at noon in Des Moines. At Iowa CCI Action, we’re ready – buses from across the state are booked, and our questions are prepped. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Julián Castro, and Pete Buttegieg will all be there. Will you? But haven’t we already seen all of these candidates on the nightly news and heard their stump speeches? Our forum’s difference is people. Real people, real Iowans, and folks from across the Midwest asking real questions. People like Barb Kalbach, a fourth-generation family farmer and registered nurse who’s watched rural America has become a healthcare desert. And student Chris Simmons, who grew up in Newton, once the “washing machine capital of the world” until Maytag closed shop and moved jobs to Mexico, where they pay poverty wages. These are our members, who will draw on their lived experiences to ask the hard questions every presidential hopeful must answer if we are to find out if any one of them is up to the task. They are the People’s Action difference, and the ones who will make the Iowa People’s Presidential Forum a no-stump zone.

The Iowa People’s Presidential Forum, hosted by People’s Action and the Iowa CCI Action Fund, will be Saturday, September 21 from noon to 5 p.m. CST in Des Moines. Click here for free tickets to our livestream or to host a house party.

Saudi Strikes Explode Oil Prices

Saudi attacks send oil prices soaring. CNN: “Oil prices opened up Monday after the world’s largest oil processing plant in Saudi Arabia was attacked over the weekend. President Donald Trump tweeted Sunday that the US has “reason to believe that we know” who is responsible and they were ‘locked and loaded depending on verification.’ Yemen’s Houthi-run Al-Masirah news agency said Saturday that the rebels claimed the attacks, but neither the US nor Saudi Arabia is buying that.”

GM Workers Strike Nationwide

UAW hits GM with nationwide strike. CBS:
“Some 46,000 members of the United Auto Workers went on strike early Monday, walking off General Motors factory floors and setting up picket lines as their midnight strike deadline came and went. Workers shut down 33 manufacturing plants in nine states across the U.S. as well as 22 parts distribution warehouses. It wasn’t clear how long the walkout would last, with the union saying GM has budged little in months of talks while GM said it made substantial offers including higher wages and factory investments. Talks were scheduled to resume at 10 a.m. EDT Monday. It’s the first national strike by the union since a two-day walkout in 2007.”

Oxycontin Maker Files For Bankruptcy

Purdue Pharma, maker of OxyContin, files for bankruptcy. NYT: “Purdue Pharma, maker of OxyContin, the drug widely seen as igniting the opioid crisis, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Sunday night, a move at the center of the company’s efforts to shield itself and its owners from more than 2,600 federal and state lawsuits. The terms of the filing, which include a proposed resolution of most of those cases, are expected to be fiercely contested by a group of 26 states that have refused to settle with Purdue and are intent on pursuing the company’s owners, the Sacklers, considered one of the wealthiest families in the United States. A showdown in bankruptcy court in White Plains could come as early as this week. Restructuring the company through bankruptcy was at the heart of a tentative settlement agreement reached last week between the company and thousands of cities and counties that have sued it in federal court for its role in the opioid epidemic. Twenty-four states and five United States territories have also accepted the agreement.”

New Kavanaugh Allegations Emerge

The Kavanaugh revelations: Why the Supreme Court is broken. WaPo: “For the GOP, nothing will be allowed to derail its effort to create a generation-long conservative majority on the court. And that helps to explain why Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh was railroaded through his confirmation hearings last year after what amounted to a pretend inquiry into the various charges against him. The costs of this approach were underscored this weekend by a New York Times report that offers new corroboration for charges by Deborah Ramirez that Kavanaugh exposed himself to her when both were undergraduates at Yale. In denying the charge, Kavanaugh told the Senate that had it been true, the incident would have been ‘the talk of the campus.’ Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly — drawing on their new book, ‘The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation’ — write tellingly: “’Our reporting suggests that it was.’”

Trump’s NLRB Faces Conflict Of Interest

Trump’s NLRB, Trying to Cut Protections for Millions of Temps and Fast-Food Workers, Trips Up Again. ProPublica: Trump’s NLRB, trying to cut protections for millions of temps and fast-food workers, trips up again. ProPublica: “The labor-relations board’s attempt to kill an Obama rule protecting third-party employees fizzled once because of a conflict of interest. Now, two representatives charge, there’s a new conflict and it involves the agency’s own use of temps. Under the Trump administration, the National Labor Relations Board has been trying to roll back an Obama-era decision that made companies more responsible for temporary staffers, fast-food-franchise workers and others who work for them indirectly. The first attempt was foiled in early 2018 when a Trump appointee to the board was found to have a conflict of interest. Now, as the NLRB tries to undo the rule for a second time, it’s facing questions from two Democratic representatives about another potential conflict of interest — and this one involves the NLRB’s own use of temporary staffers. In May, the labor board engaged a company called Ardelle Associates to supply lawyers and paralegals to help review public comments on the proposed overhaul of the provision in question, which is known as the ‘joint-employer rule.’”

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Progressive Breakfast: Will Workers Finally Get The Right To Speak?


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Tom Lewandowski

Don’t Subsidize Companies That Silence Workers

Will America finally grant its workers First Amendment rights? The Constitution guarantees “freedom of speech,” the right to “peaceably assemble,” and the right to petition for “a redress of grievances.” Yet these civil rights are commonly denied to workers. Sure, we can say what we want, but we pay a high price to speak — often losing our jobs, health care, and benefits for our families. But we pay an even higher price for not speaking. In 2016, Kyaw Kyaw, 50, died on the job at Nishikawa Cooper, a manufacturer of auto parts in Fort Wayne, Indiana, leaving a grieving wife and family. More than 100 of his coworkers — refugees and freedom fighters who fled Myanmar’s oppression — subsequently petitioned corporate headquarters over issues of discrimination, health, and safety. Saw Eh Dah circulated the petition — and was then fired. Deaths like these often go ignored unless family members and fellow workers fight back. Still, the best they often receive is a modest legal settlement — and a demand to sign a non-disclosure agreement to silence them. This leaves other workers — and all of us — vulnerable.

Candidates Present Climate Plans

What happened during CNN’s climate town hall and what it means for 2020. CNN: “CNN’s marathon town hall Wednesday night put the climate crisis closer to the center of a presidential election than ever before. Ten Democratic candidates took to the stage as Hurricane Dorian menaced the East Coast and at a time when the impact of a warming Earth is no longer just a vision of a catastrophic future but is increasingly visible. At times, candidates waged a bidding war to show liberal activists their plan was the most audacious — and even expensive. But with an eye on November 2020, others warned against throwing the economy out of the window. The contenders, who all embrace the science of climate change, offered voters an alternative to a President who views climate change as a ‘hoax’ and slams their ‘dreams and windmills.’ But Donald Trump’s mocking tweets and GOP rapid response attacks during the event reflected the risks Democrats run: While going big on climate is the price of entry in their presidential race, it’s yet to be proven as a shrewd general election strategy.”

Biden Attends Fossil-Fuel Fundraiser

Biden urged to cancel fundraiser with fossil fuel executive day after climate crisis forum. Common Dreams: “Just before Joe Biden took the stage at CNN’s 2020 presidential forum on the climate crisis in New York Wednesday night, The Intercept reported the former vice president on Thursday is planning to attend a big-money fundraiser co-hosted by a fossil fuel executive—news that sparked immediate fury and calls for him to cancel the event. ‘Holding this fundraiser clearly violates the spirit of the No Fossil Fuel Money pledge that Biden signed,’ Varshini Prakash, co-founder of the youth-led Sunrise Movement, said in a statement. ‘If Biden is serious about taking on the power of the fossil fuel lobby, why is he going to a fundraiser hosted by the co-founder of a natural gas company?’ During the CNN town hall, Issac Larkin, a doctoral candidate at Northwestern University and a volunteer with Sunrise Chicago, directly confronted Biden over the planned $2,800-per-ticket fundraiser, which is set to take place at the New York home of investment banker David Solomon. ‘How can we trust you to hold these corporations and executives accountable for their crimes against humanity when we know that, tomorrow, you are holding a high-dollar fundraiser hosted by Andrew Goldman, a fossil fuel executive?’ Larkin asked. Biden initially responded by denying that Goldman, co-founder of the Houston-based natural gas company Western LNG, is a fossil fuel executive.”

NC Throws Out Gerrymandered Voting Maps

North Carolina’s legislative maps are thrown out by state court panel. NYT: “In a major blow to Republicans who control the Legislature in one of the nation’s most bitterly divided states, a state court panel threw out North Carolina’s state legislative maps as an unconstitutional partisan gerrymander and ordered lawmakers to draw up new ones in two weeks. The ruling on Tuesday by a three-judge panel in Raleigh had the potential to bring to a decisive end a yearslong battle over gerrymandering in a critical swing state and indicated that state courts could act to rein in patently partisan electoral maps after the United States Supreme Court ruled in June, by a 5-to-4 margin, that federal courts could not. The Republican leader of the State Senate, Phil Berger, cast the decision as part of a national Democratic strategy to overturn Republican rule via the courts, but said the Legislature would not appeal the ruling. The North Carolina Supreme Court, which would hear any appeal, has six Democratic justices and one Republican.”

Redistricting May Tip Towards Dems

Republicans fear drubbing in next round of redistricting. Politico: “Democrats were caught napping in the 2010 election ahead of the last round of redistricting — and it cost them control of Congress for nearly a decade. Now Republicans are warning the same thing could happen to them. Senior Republicans concede they’re at risk of losing dozens of state-level elections that will determine who wields power over the post-2020 congressional map — and potentially which party controls the chamber for the following 10 years. While Republicans are establishing a massive national infrastructure devoted to reelecting President Donald Trump and winning congressional majorities, party officials say the state legislative races are being overlooked. The trepidation comes as an array of well-funded Democratic groups — including one with the backing of former President Barack Obama and ex-Attorney General Eric Holder — are flooding cash into Virginia, a key redistricting battleground that’s holding state legislative elections this fall. Democrats are expected to plow tens of millions into races next year.”

Electoral College Heads To SCOTUS

The coming reckoning over the Electoral College. Slate: “Since the 2016 election, some Democrats have raged against the Electoral College as an anti-democratic institution that does not reflect the will of the people. Some Republicans have defended the institution as protecting the power of small states and preserving the federal system. But whether you like the Electoral College in theory or not, it turns out that the actual rules used to implement its use are creaky and dangerous. Indeed, thanks to new conflicting rulings, the institution could generate chaos and confusion in 2020 or in a future presidential election. Now, Harvard Law professor Larry Lessig is planning to bring a Washington State case to the United States Supreme Court—and in doing so, hopes to blow up the current Electoral College system.”

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Progressive Breakfast: Flint’s Crisis Reveals National Failure On Schools


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Jeff Bryant

Flint’s Crisis Reveals National Failure On Schools

Flint, Michigan, became a national poster child for incompetence and corruption when a small group of autocratic officials put in charge by the state’s governor made the infamous decision to supply lead-tainted water to the public. But long before Flint’s water crisis, the practice of outsourcing critical decisions to a small circle of individuals with little vested interest in the community was also the way to determine who would run Flint’s schools. In 2005, Walter Milton Jr. became superintendent of Flint City Schools in large part because the city hired a superintendent search firm that recommended him. But even before he officially took office, news broke that his application for the position included degrees he had not earned. More outrage ensued when he hired a director of curriculum for the school district who had been convicted of child molestation. The search firm that recommended Milton, Schaumburg, Illinois-based Hazard, Young, Attea, and Associates (HYA), overlooked things that should have turned up in a thorough background check, particularly his fake degree and problems with his previous tenure as superintendent of schools in Fallsburg, New York. In that position, he hired the very same person convicted of child molestation he would also hire in Flint. But Flint is far from alone: in an extensive investigation, Our Schools found multiple cases in which private, for-profit companies recommended candidates with falsified academic or professional credentials, documented evidence of financial mismanagement, unethical behavior and conflicts of interest. This is not just Flint’s crisis; it is a national crisis of leadership.

Field Of Democratic Candidates Narrows

The Democratic debate stage narrows and candidates quit the race. NBC: “The deadline passed at midnight Wednesday for candidates to qualify for the next Democratic presidential debate and only 10 made it, narrowing the largest field in history to a more manageable size. Gone, for now at least, are the two-night debates of June and July, since everyone can fit on one stage, one night, for next month’s debate in Houston. The only real suspense came in the form of billionaire Tom Steyer, who fell one poll short of qualifying even after spending nearly $12 million on advertising to boost his campaign. ‘The field is cut in half overnight, basically. That’s clarifying. It’s important to get all the major candidates on stage together,’ said David Brock, a prolific Democratic fundraiser who runs a collection of major Democratic super PACs. ‘But on the other hand, there’s a lot of chatter about the candidates who got boxed out, they would say unfairly. I think it’s really tough if you’re not in the debate to have any hope.’”

Some U.S. Military Children Overseas Will Not Be Citizens

Citizenship will no longer be automatic for children of some US military members living overseas. CNN: “The Trump administration is making it more difficult for the children of some US service members and US government employees living abroad to automatically become US citizens, according to a policy alert released Wednesday by US Citizenship and Immigration Services. The rule appears to primarily affect the children of naturalized US citizens serving in the armed forces who have not lived in the US for a required period of time, a relatively small number — estimated to be approximately 100 annually, according to a Defense Department official. It does not impact anyone born in the United States. US citizenship can be acquired a few ways, including being born in the country. Children born abroad can acquire citizenship through their US citizen parents either at birth or before the age of 18. While the latest policy guidance doesn’t make anyone ineligible for citizenship, it appears to narrow how children abroad can gain citizenship.”

GA GOP Senator Resigns

Surprise Georgia resignation jolts battle for the Senate. Politico: “Democrats’ path to a Senate majority after the 2020 elections got a little wider on Wednesday. Sen. Johnny Isakson’s (R-Ga.) announcement that he will resign later this year due to health problems puts Republicans on defense, with another competitive seat on the ballot in an emerging swing state. Democrats need to flip three states to win back the Senate if they also capture the White House. Only two Republicans are up in states President Donald Trump lost in 2016 — Colorado and Maine — meaning Democrats will have to win in red states to control the chamber. Republicans now have to defend two seats in Georgia — which is also likely to be competitive in the presidential race — increasing the attention and money required to hold their grip on the rapidly shifting state. Democrats haven’t won a Senate race in Georgia in two decades, and the party had already struggled to recruit top-tier talent to the race after Stacey Abrams passed on running earlier this year. Abrams said Wednesday she won’t run in a special election, either. But new Democrats could consider jumping in to run in the special election, and if the party is able to put the state in play, it gives them a two-for-one opportunity.”

Trump Trails Dems By Double Digits

Trump approval plummets in battleground states; he trails leading Democrats by double digits. Salon:“President Donald Trump’s approval ratings have plunged in every key 2020 battleground state since he took office, including Republican strongholds like Texas and Georgia. Trump’s approval rating fell from net-positive, meaning more people approve than disapprove, to net negative in nearly every battleground state, according to a Morning Consult tracking poll. His approval fell in Wisconsin from +3 to -14, in Michigan from +7 to -11, in Pennsylvania from +10 to -8, and in Florida from +22 to -1. Trump’s approval also plummeted from the positives to the negatives in New Hampshire, Minnesota, Maine, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Iowa, Arizona, Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina. His approval fell in Georgia from +18 to +2 and in Texas from +21 to +6. Trump campaign officials told Axios that along with the key states he won in 2016 — Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — the president’s re-election campaign is also targeting Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, and New Mexico.”

Standing Rock Sioux Challenge Pipeline Expansion

Standing Rock Sioux seek to intervene on proposed Dakota Access Pipeline expansion. Time: “The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe filed a motion Wednesday to intervene on a proposed expansion of the Dakota Access pipeline that would double the line’s capacity. The tribe, which led original opposition to the crude oil pipeline, petitioned for status as an intervenor in the case before the Public Service Commission arguing its ‘interests … are not adequately represented.’ North Dakota regulators have set a Nov. 13 public hearing on the proposed expansion. The public hearing, which was requested by the tribe and the Sierra Club, will be held in the south-central city of Linton, near where a pump station would go in to increase the line’s capacity. Texas-based Energy Transfer announced in June it plans to expand the pipeline’s capacity from more than 500,000 barrels per day to as much as 1.1 million barrels. The pipeline has been moving North Dakota oil through South Dakota and Iowa to a shipping point in Illinois since June 2017.”

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Progressive Breakfast: Real People Lead The Way To #MedicareForAll


Work For People’s Action

People’s Action, a national network of grassroots groups, is at the front lines in our nation’s battle to put people over profits. Want to join us? We’re looking for a new Healthy Water Healthy Kids Campaign Organizer. We’ve accomplished a lot: come help us take our nation back for progressive values.
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Sameena Mustafa

Real People Will Lead The Way To #MedicareForAll

Seniors chanting “Get out of the way!” as they hold cardboard tombstones might not seem like a challenge to the largest physicians’ group in the United States. But in 78-year-old Reggie Griffin, the American Medical Association met their match. “The time is up for us to sit on the sidelines and complain about things,” says Reggie, a retired graphic designer who helped take over the floor of the AMA’s annual convention this June in Chicago. “I have two grown daughters, five grown grandkids, and five young great-grandkids. We’ve got to fight for them now, to preserve and improve what we have for the future.” Reggie helped lead this “die-in” that pressured the AMA to drop out of the Partnership for America’s Health Care Future, a lobby founded last year by private insurers, hospitals and pharmaceutical makers. The Partnership has spent hundreds of millions so far to stop the expansion of health care coverage. Reggie and other members of Jane Addams Senior Caucus, a senior-led member-driven organizing and advocacy affiliate of People’s Action, joined over a dozen groups and about 400 people at the AMA’s annual convention to demand they leave the Partnership. And it worked. The AMA will no longer contribute to the millions spent by the Partnership to kill Medicare for All. Most would not believe that a bunch of grassroots activists could stop a 172-year-old professional organization in its tracks. Such a feat would be nothing short of David felling Goliath. But that’s exactly what we did.

Sameena Mustafa is a past Congressional candidate for IL-05 and advisor to Jane Addams Senior Caucus, part of the People’s Action network.

DHS Takes $271 From FEMA To Fund Border Camps

As Puerto Rico braces for storm, DHS, FEMA to move $271 million to border operations. NPR: “As a major storm heads for Puerto Rico, the Department of Homeland Security and its Federal Emergency Management Agency said Tuesday they will move $271 million in funds to support President Trump’s border enforcement efforts. The Department of Homeland Security said it will transfer the emergency funds — including $155 million from FEMA’s disaster relief fund — to support new Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention beds as well as facilities for related court cases, according to documents obtained by NPR. In a July notification to Congress about the transfer, DHS said the $155 million comes from recoveries of prior year funds and that ‘absent significant new catastrophic events’ the department believes the fund will still have enough money to operate. Congressional Democrats slammed the move on Tuesday, which comes at the peak of hurricane season and as Tropical Storm Dorian was poised to reach hurricane levels. ‘The Trump administration’s plan to divert money away from FEMA at the start of hurricane season to continue its efforts to separate and jail migrant families is backwards and cruel,’ Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said.”

Oxycontin Maker May Pay $3b In Opioid Settlements

Sacklers would give up ownership of Purdue Pharma under settlement proposal. NYT: “The Sackler family would give up ownership of Purdue Pharma, the company blamed for much of the opioid epidemic, and pay $3 billion of their own money under terms of a settlement proposal to resolve thousands of federal and state lawsuits, according to a person familiar with the negotiations. The discussions have been going on for months as Purdue and the Sacklers have sought to prevent any new lawsuits against individual members of the family as well as their company. If all the parties agree and the settlement is completed, Purdue would be the first among some two dozen manufacturers, distributors and retailers of prescription opioids facing lawsuits nationwide to settle all claims against it for its role in a public health crisis that has killed hundreds of thousands of people in the past two decades. A document outlining a tentative negotiated agreement, which was described to The New York Times, valued the family’s and company’s contributions at between $10 billion and $12 billion, including the $3 billion Sackler contribution.”

Trump Tax Returns May Confirm Russia Influence

Source: Deutsche Bank has Trump loan docs co-signed by Russian oligarchs. Crooks and Liars: “Lawrence O’Donnell announced this potential bombshell on Last Word last night. ‘We begin with the breaking news from Deutsche Bank that Deutsche Bank has Donald Trump’s tax returns. That is not exactly what Deutsche Bank said in its redacted legal filing today, but it is what one source close to Deutsche Bank has revealed to me about the financial documents in the bank’s possession,’ he said. He then described how he came to that conclusion, then continued: ‘The subpoenas in question are from the House Intelligence committee and House Financial Services committee. Those committees told the court they have subpoenaed Trump family financial records and tax returns from Deutsche Bank as part of an investigation of Russian money laundering and potential influence on the president. The information publicly disclosed today by Deutsche Bank is so far consistent with what a source close to Deutsche Bank has revealed to me about the Trump-related financial documents in Deutsche Bank’s possession. ‘The information the source has revealed to me is also consistent with New York Times reporting tonight saying, quote, ‘Current and former bank officials have said Deutsche Bank has portions of Mr. Trump’s personal and corporate tax returns from multiple years as part of the reams of financial data it has collected over its two-decade relationship with him. The information revealed to me goes a few very important steps beyond that. The source close to Deutsche Bank says that the Trump tax returns reveal that the president pays little to no income tax in some years and the source says that Deutsche Bank is in possession of loan documents that show Donald Trump has obtained loans with co-signers and that he would not have been able to obtain those loans without co-signers. The source close to Deutsche Bank says that the co-signers of Donald Trump’s Deutsche Bank loans are Russian billionaires close to Vladimir Putin.’”

McConnell Blocks Enforcement Of Election Laws

FEC can’t enforce election laws right now, because of Mitch McConnell’s obstruction. Salon: “The Federal Election Commission will effectively shut down after a Republican appointee resigned, leaving the panel without a legally-required four-member quorum. Republican appointee Matthew Petersen, who was nominated to be a federal judge by President Trump before withdrawing after being unable to answer basic legal questions, announced his resignation Monday. The move comes days after Petersen and the lone other Republican on the panel blocked the FEC from investigating a complaint alleging that Russian operatives may have illegally funneled money to the Trump campaign through the NRA. With Petersen out, the six-member panel is down to just three members, one short of the four members they need to take any official action. ‘Without a quorum, certain Commission activities will not take place. For example, the Commission will not be able to hold meetings, initiate audits, vote on enforcement matters, issue advisory opinions, or engage in rulemakings,’ Republican commissioner Caroline Hunter said in a statement Monday.”

Thunberg Calls For Global Climate Strike

Adults urged to join upcoming global climate strike. Common Dreams: “As climate activist Greta Thunberg neared the United States on a boat which set sail from Britain on August 14, the global climate action movement called on adults to join in the climate strike begun in part by the 16-year-old Swedish student. co-founder Bill McKibben wrote Monday in a letter to supporters that the choice to join in the global climate strike taking place in dozens of cities on September 20 should be a simple one. ‘If a kid says help, you help,’ said McKibben. The climate strike will take place a year after Thunberg, who is expected to arrive in the U.S. on Wednesday, began a global mass mobilization with a one-person protest outside Swedish Parliament. On September 20 and during the Week of Action which will follow, hundreds of thousands are expected to holding sit-ins at pipeline projects, planting trees, or attending rallies and marching in cities around the world to make a number of demands—passage of a Green New Deal, a shift to renewable energy and a just transition, and greater commitments from UN countries to cut their carbon emissions. ‘We strike now, because now is our last chance; because change must occur today; because the future is written in the present,’ said Fridays for Future NYC in New York, where Thunberg will speak at one of the strike’s biggest events.”

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